Governing the Energy Transition: Decentralized Actors, Digitalization, Financing

The Sustainable Energy System of the Future: Polycentric and Digital

For the energy transition in Germany to succeed, the energy system must be redesigned: On the one hand, many decentralized actors must be integrated, both technically and organizationally. On the other hand, the newly emerging polycentric energy system must be designed in a sustainable way - in other words, higher-level rules should focus on environmentally, economically and socially just implementation. How do current framework conditions and institutions have to change for this? In six qualifiying theses, the SteuerBoard Energie junior research group is investigating how digital applications can support this change process and what kind of financing options are available.

The Project


The project explores how digitization is changing the governance of the energy transition.




How will the transformation of the energy system be financed? SteuerBoard Energie examines different options.




Many steering actors at different levels need a regulatory framework. The SteuerBoard Energie project is investigating how.




A vision for energy communities: Future workshop develops transformation paths

From criticism to vision: this was the motto of the future workshop “Energy communities in the climate-neutral energy system of the future”, which was held in Berlin on January 29, 2025 as part of the junior research group by the ECOLOG Institute, Leuphana University and the IÖW. Key stakeholders from 15 organizations discussed hurdles, developed visions and created measures: On topics such as citizen energy, consumer protection, technology and the economy.




Webinar on Community Engagement Tools: Lars Holstenkamp and Najam Memon present research results

Lars Holstenkamp and Najam Memon presented the results of their work at a webinar on "Community Engagement Tools" on August 27, 2024. The online event was organized by the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) together with Leuphana University and the ECOLOG Institute. Speakers and participants from different parts of the world exchanged their views.



Policy Brief: Establishing energy communities as a pillar of the climate-neutral energy system

Citizens no longer just want to contribute financially, but want to be active themselves with locally generated energy. Dr. Swantje Gährs, Dr. Lars Holstenkamp and Hannes Bluhm from the junior research group recommend in a policy brief: A coherent strategy is needed so that the added value of energy communities can be exploited for the climate-neutral energy system of the future. 

